BioMaterial and BioAnalytical Chemistry Lab
Research Activities

Highly biocompatible nanocomposites: Non-metallic nanomaterials for cancer theranostics
Stimuli-responsive silica nanomaterials
Nano-graphene oxide (GO) based bioapplications
One-pot purification/ functionalization of functional carbon nanoparticles for bioimaging

Multi-parameter phenotypic profiling: disease biomarker discovery
Identification of novel molecules and their interactions could provide a new vision of research for diagnostic and therapeutic tools. The use of optically encoded (fluorescence, infra-red, light scattering...etc) microspheres enables us to generate a liquid bead array for high throughput screening. The bead arrays, in contrast to planar arrays, do not have an X/Y coordinate to de-convolute the binding events in a two-dimensional space. Instead, the individual binding reactions on the individual microspheres are de-convoluted according their encoded characteristics and can be easily adpted to flow cytometry-based analysis.

Development of high sensitivity assays for diverse target molecules
Miniaturized biosensors that specifically identify minute amounts of environmental and biological substances are in high demand. Many sensors rely on the optical properties of lasers and sometimes also combine specific probes/ reporter molecules to monitor and quantify interactions of biomolecules that occur on specially derived surfaces or biochips. Amplification techniques are often required especially when measuring biomolecules which present at very low concentration in body fluids. We aim to develop new class of assays and biosensors by employing various types of nanomaterials and by closely collaborating with engineering departments in NCTU to optimize various detection platforms.