BioMaterial and BioAnalytical Chemistry Lab
Principal Investigator
2004 – 2008 Ph.D. (Dr. rer. nat), Biochemistry, University of Tübingen, Germany
2001 – 2003 M.S. Institute of Biomedical Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
1997 – 2001 B.S. Department of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Professional Appointments
2020.8- date Professor, Dept. Appl. Chem./Inst. Mol. Sci., NCTU, Taiwan
2015.8- 2020.7 Associate Professor, Dept. Appl. Chem./Inst. Mol. Sci., NCTU, Taiwan
2010.8- 2015.7 Assistant Professor, Dept. Appl. Chem./Inst. Mol. Sci., NCTU, Taiwan
2010.4-2010.6 Visiting research fellow, Natural and Medical Sciences Institute, Germany
2008.6-2010.3 Postdoctoral research fellow, Kazusa DNA Research Institute, Japan
2003.7-2004.7 Research Associate, Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) of Taiwan
2017 Outstanding Young Scholar Research Award,
College of Science, National Chiao-Tung University
2017 Lectureship Award of Chemical Society of Japan,
97th CSJ Annual Meeting (Mar. 2017), Keio University, Yokohama, Japan
2004-2008 DAAD Forschungsstipendien fuer Doktoranden und Nachwuchswissenschaftler
(PKZ: A/04/07700; Referat 423)
2006 The Award for the 56th Meeting of Nobel Laureates in Lindau (dedicated to Chemistry))
Current Members

Prof. Hsin-Yun HSU

Pei-Ying Hsieh (謝佩穎)
Research Assistant
Post Doc.
Dr. Karunya Albert
PhD student
張宇瑄 – 應用化學研究所 博一 (與吳彥谷老師共同指導)
MS students
葉采旻 - 應用化學研究所 碩二
林浩誠 - 應用化學研究所 碩二
黃寶庭 - 應用化學研究所 碩二
林旻萱 - 應用化學研究所 碩一
秦世瑋 - 應用化學研究所 碩一
藍羽賢 - 應用化學研究所 碩一